The Power of Passion

Passion is the southern wind. The sun is the pictorial marker for this positively charged energy. It is described as being either red or golden. Passion’s universal symbol is fire. Fire can kill or it can warm the heart. Those who are filled with Passion are warriors, kings and prophets. They fight the righteous battle, rule with compassion and understanding, or warn of God’s wrath.
Passion warms and pushes upward as it turns to the right. It brings sweetness, or caring to an otherwise intellectual being. This caring is the basis for breaking down the barriers or judgments that prohibit relationship.
We consider Passion to be masculine because, for the most part, men benefit from this energy. Its association with the wisdom, war, and power add to what we, in the modern era, consider masculine qualities. Previous to the Christian era, this energy was defined as feminine or in this work, “The Divine Feminine.” The ancients associated Passion with Mother Earth and the ground from which it came.
This energy is best known for its ability to cut away all attachments and judgments. Those who follow this path must die to self or kill ego. The sacred texts refer to this energy as “Fire,” “Serpent,” “Wine,” "The Christ," or “The Blood.”
Passion warms and pushes upward as it turns to the right. It brings sweetness, or caring to an otherwise intellectual being. This caring is the basis for breaking down the barriers or judgments that prohibit relationship.
We consider Passion to be masculine because, for the most part, men benefit from this energy. Its association with the wisdom, war, and power add to what we, in the modern era, consider masculine qualities. Previous to the Christian era, this energy was defined as feminine or in this work, “The Divine Feminine.” The ancients associated Passion with Mother Earth and the ground from which it came.
This energy is best known for its ability to cut away all attachments and judgments. Those who follow this path must die to self or kill ego. The sacred texts refer to this energy as “Fire,” “Serpent,” “Wine,” "The Christ," or “The Blood.”
Copyright © 2010 Mischa V. Alyea. All rights reserved.